Underwater Monsters
Sponsored by: Warba Bank
Monday, January 27th
5 PM – 7 PM
What lies beneath the calm waves of the sea? We explore the world of marine biology and focus on the mighty creatures that live within the ocean waters like whales, sharks, and squids. Kids explore the different shark senses in hands-on activities and make their very own marine models!
Turtle Lab
Sponsored by: Warba Bank
Thursday, January 30th
5 PM – 7 PM
Who doesn’t like turtles?! Children are encouraged to learn and discover the secrets of turtles with a series of fun and engaging activities to answer their burning turtle-themed questions. Children also get to meet some of the Scientific Center’s tortoise ambassadors, take a closer look at our turtle trackers in the aquarium, and so much more!
The Wonder of Trees
Sponsored by: Warba Bank
Monday, February 3rd
5 PM – 7 PM
We explore the wonderful world of plants – looking at photosynthesis, germination, plant anatomy, and pollination. We follow a plant’s journey from seed to fully formed tree and then plant our own after a series of plant-tastic activities.
Animal Encounters
Sponsored by: Warba Bank
Thursday, February 6th
5 PM – 7 PM
We explore different animal groups – birds, arthropods, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals – their habitats, physical and behavioral adaptations as well as their distinguishing characteristics. We go on a tour through the aquarium and meet real live animals in the classroom!
Recycle Lab
Sponsored by: Warba Bank
Monday, February 10th
5 PM – 7 PM
One of the world’s most urgent problems is global warming. Kids are challenged to come up with solutions to help our planet after they learn about global warming and are taught how to recycle! Everyone can then paint their own environmentally friendly bags to use instead of plastic bags anywhere they go! Be a hero, save the planet!
Green Planet
Sponsored by: Warba Bank
Monday, February 13th
5 PM – 7 PM
Plants make it possible for us to live on planet earth! Students learn all about the greenery that makes living possible in this fun and engaging workshop, then are challenged to experiment with plants, meet some animals that keep earth clean, and create artwork out of recycled materials to keep earth green and healthy!
Taxonomy Lab
Sponsored by: Warba Bank
Monday, February 17th
5 PM – 7 PM
We explore different animal groups – birds, arthropods, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals – their habitats, physical and behavioral adaptations as well as their distinguishing characteristics. Kids get to explore the Scientific Center’s very own taxidermy collection and go on a journey through the aquarium.
Bird Scouts
Sponsored by: Warba Bank
Thursday, February 20th
5 PM – 7 PM
We dive deeper into the different animal groups – birds, arthropods, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals – with a focus on birds, their biology, and their ability to fly, and then end the workshop with bird watching and building the perfect birdhouse.
City Builders
Sponsored by: Warba Bank
Monday, February 24th
5 PM – 7 PM
We explore the amazing world of engineering and take part in building challenges where students design, build, and load test a whole miniature city, equipped with buildings, bridges, and streets, just like civil engineers.